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M2027 Nissan Galvannealed Steel

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Available in 30/30, 45/45 and 60/60

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SP793-590 Galvannealed (HR Base) 85.6 ksi Structural
SP791-440 Galvannealed (HR Base) 63.8 ksi Structural
SP791-370 Galvannealed (HR Base) 53.7 ksi Structural
SP781-440 Galvannealed (CR Base) 63.8 ksi Structural
SP781-390 Galvannealed (CR Base) 56.6 ksi Structural
SP781-370 Galvannealed (CR Base) 53.7 ksi Structural
SP785-340 Galvannealed (CR Base) 49.3 ksi Structural
SP781-340 Galvannealed (CR Base) 49.3 ksi Structural
SP783-980 Galvannealed (CR Base) 142.1 ksi Multi-Phase Steel
SP783-780 Galvannealed (CR Base) 113.1 ksi Multi-Phase Steel
SP782-440 Galvannealed (CR Base) 63.8 ksi High R-Value Steel
SP781-390 Galvannealed (CR Base) 56.6 ksi High R-Value Steel
SP782-340 Galvannealed (CR Base) 49.3 ksi High R-Value Steel
SP781, SP701 Galvannealed (CR Base) 39.2 ksi Forming Steel
SP781, SP701 Galvannealed (CR Base) 39.2 ksi Forming Steel
SP784 Galvannealed (CR Base) 39.2 ksi Extra Deep Drawing Quality
SP783-590 Galvannealed (CR Base) 85.6 ksi Dual-Phase Steel
SP792 Galvannealed (HR Base) 39.2 ksi Drawing Quality
SP782, SP702 Galvannealed (CR Base) 39.2 ksi Drawing Quality
SP782, SP702 Galvannealed (CR Base) 39.2 ksi Drawing Quality
SP793 Galvannealed (HR Base) 39.2 ksi Deep Drawing Quality
SP783, SP703 Galvannealed (CR Base) 39.2 ksi Deep Drawing Quality
SP783, SP703 Galvannealed (CR Base) 39.2 ksi Deep Drawing Quality
SP791 Galvannealed (HR Base) 39.2 ksi Commercial Quality
SP789, SP709 Galvannealed (CR Base) 39.2 ksi Commercial Quality
  Results 1 - 25 of 26 1 2